• info@newgold.co.zw
  • 22 Anthony Avenue, Msasa, Harare

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+263 8677005327, +263 773 186 360

Unleash the Power of Your Supply Chain with New Gold’s 3PL Solutions

In the fast-paced world of business, your supply chain is your lifeline. It’s the invisible hand that moves your products from raw materials to customers’ doorsteps, and its efficiency can make or break your success. That’s where we come in.

Newgold Enterprises is your trusted partner in supply chain logistics (3PL). We’re not just warehouse wizards or transportation titans; we’re your strategic allies, dedicated to streamlining your operations, optimizing your costs, and empowering you to focus on what you do best: growing your business.

Here’s how we can be your supply chain superhero:

1. Procurement Powerhouse:

  • Sourcing Savvy: Forget endless vendor searches and haggling. We leverage our extensive network and expert negotiation skills to find the best deals on materials, equipment, and services, saving you time and money.
  • Consolidated Purchasing: Combine your orders with other clients to unlock bulk discounts and increased buying power, stretching your budget further than ever before.
  • Contract Champions: We manage your vendor contracts, ensuring compliance and protecting your interests, so you can sleep soundly knowing everything’s in order.

2. Logistics Logistics:

  • Warehouse Wizards: Our strategically located facilities become your virtual extensions, offering secure storage and efficient distribution networks that keep your products flowing smoothly.
  • Inventory Whisperers: Real-time data and advanced software become our crystal ball, ensuring optimal inventory levels. No more stockouts or overstocking, just the perfect balance for maximum efficiency and cash flow.
  • Transportation Titans: From choosing the most cost-effective routes to securing reliable carriers, we handle all aspects of transportation, ensuring your products reach their destinations on time, every time.

3. Visibility and Control:

  • Real-time Tracking: No more wondering where your shipments are. Our advanced tracking system gives you instant access to detailed information, empowering you to make informed decisions based on real-time data.
  • Dedicated Account Management: You’re not alone. A team of dedicated experts is always available to answer your questions, address concerns, and provide ongoing support, ensuring your supply chain runs like a well-oiled machine.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: We adapt to your needs, whether you’re a nimble startup or a seasoned industry giant. Our solutions scale seamlessly with your growth, handling fluctuating demand and ensuring your supply chain never gets caught off guard.

The Benefits of Partnering with New Gold Enterprises:

  • Cost Savings: Slash procurement costs, optimize inventory levels, and eliminate logistics headaches, freeing up resources for growth.
  • Improved Efficiency: Free your internal team from procurement and logistics burdens, allowing them to focus on what they do best.
  • Enhanced Agility: Respond quickly to changing market demands and opportunities, becoming a nimble force in your industry.
  • Greater Control: Gain real-time visibility and control over your entire supply chain, making informed decisions that drive success.
  • Reduced Risk: Mitigate supply chain disruptions and ensure compliance with regulations, sleeping soundly knowing your operations are running smoothly.

Ready to unleash the power of a streamlined supply chain and focus on what truly matters? Contact NewGold today for a free consultation and let’s discuss how we can transform your business.

Remember, a strong supply chain is a thriving business. Choose your 3PL partner wisely and watch your growth skyrocket!