• info@newgold.co.zw
  • 22 Anthony Avenue, Msasa, Harare

Get In Touch

+263 8677005327, +263 773 186 360

New Gold Enterprises: Unearthing Your Potential with Borehole Drilling and Exploration

At New Gold Enterprises, we delve deep into the unknown, not to seek buried treasure, but to unlock the very foundation of your success. We are your comprehensive borehole drilling and exploration partner, unearthing valuable insights and resources to fuel your projects and propel your growth.

Our expertise encompasses:

Drilling Services:

  • Diverse rigs and depths: We employ a wide range of drilling rigs, from portable units for shallow investigations to robust machines for reaching substantial depths, ensuring we tackle any terrain and project requirement.
  • Precision and accuracy: Our skilled drillers and cutting-edge technology guarantee accurate core samples and reliable data, minimizing risk and maximizing value.
  • Environmental conscious: We prioritize sustainability, utilizing eco-friendly drilling methods and adhering to strict environmental regulations.

Exploration Expertise:

  • Geophysical surveys: We utilize the power of seismic, magnetic, and resistivity surveys to gain detailed subsurface insights, pinpointing potential resources and optimizing drilling locations.
  • Geological analysis: Our experienced geologists interpret data from core samples and surveys, analyzing rock formations, water quality, and mineral deposits to provide comprehensive reports and recommendations.
  • Hydrogeological assessments: We evaluate water resources through pumping tests and aquifer analysis, ensuring sustainable water management for your project.

Beyond the Drill:

  • Data analysis and reporting: We translate raw data into actionable insights, delivering comprehensive reports and visualizations that guide your decision-making.
  • Project management: Our dedicated team handles all aspects, from permitting and logistics to budget and schedule management, ensuring a smooth and efficient exploration process.
  • Consulting and recommendations: We don’t just collect data; we provide expert advice and recommendations, helping you understand your findings and capitalize on the potential they reveal.

New Gold Enterprises is your trusted partner, from the first exploratory survey to the successful extraction of valuable resources. We are committed to providing exceptional service, delivering reliable data, and exceeding your expectations, every step of the way.

Ready to embark on a journey of discovery? Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s discuss how our borehole drilling and exploration services can unlock the hidden potential of your projects.

Remember, with New Gold Enterprises, the ground beneath your feet holds incredible possibilities. Let us help you unearth them!